Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do SomeTHING: day 1

I am going to "Do SomeTHING" every day this month. My friend Carrie started it on her blog. In February we did something inspired by "Thing a Day" on We did call it "Thing a Day". 

Here's mine if you want to see what kind of things I did before. Not everything was creative. I was having some health problems that month, apparently.

 I would love for you to join us on your blog and spread the word or if you do not have your own blog just comment on mine with your task. Both of us got so much creative "stuff" done that she decided to do it again, to help inspire (and to force ourselves to get our shops filled for Christmas).

So...I started by organizing my linen closet. (My sewing supply stash may be next.) You can tell that everything is now lined up and small things are in boxes. Everything is easy to see and easy to find. Sorry for the bad picture. There is no light in the closet...thus the camping lantern. 

I have also found out that my kids have enough shower gel to last them 2 years.

 My husband has enough shower gel to last him about 3 years.

And I have enough deodorant to last me 5.

Oh well...better too much than running out, right?

Do SomeTHING is a month long of creativity, project finishing, exploration, and imagination.  What was your THING for today?  Leave your link in the comments for us all to see.


  1. The rest of it is even more impressive but it wasn't possible to get a picture of that part.
