Thursday, September 3, 2009

Both kids are now in middle school...

Wow..that was a weird feeling...both of my boys are now in middle school. I just went to the bus stop for the first day of school with both Danny and Alex are at the same stop, same bus this year. Both Alex and Danny kept checking their watches every minute or 2. I think that both of them were anxious. I hope that they do not end up too late that Danny rushes thru getting his stuff to his locker and ends up with trouble opening up his lock on the first day of school. You know...the first time it really counts if you can get it open easily. It doesn't help Danny that he can't even reach the top shelf in his locker, either, just one more thing for him (or me) to worry about. That's OK I guess 'cause he makes friends easily and can just ask anyone to reach anything for him. We tried to not put much up there. I can tell you though...I will be doing lots of locker checks on him. He is not the neatest individual.

This is gonna be an interesting year...I hope we can all survive it, and that I am able to not give in to yelling. The "sport" that I grew up with and hated and have appeared to inherite. Hopefully, I can change this...I really do HATE yelling. It just seems like it comes naturally to me. I guess you learn what you grow up with. That sucks and I'm determined to change it...

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